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Is your inverter/UPS failing? Here is the probable reason and correction

While the inverter has been designed for prolonged back up, most failure is attributable to:

o Under rated/improper charger: Charger current needs proper sizing with combined battery Ah. Chargers rated higher than technically tolerable often lead to early battery failure same applies to under rated chargers. Therefore, a balanced system is required for longevity of your battery storage.

o Repeated complete discharge cycle: Totally eliminate if possible complete battery drain. That is, continuous use until inverter/ups shutdown. Though most inverters have low voltage power down circuit, not ideal to rely on this. Power down inverter once low battery voltage alarm is intensified. For critical load application such as data center where 24/7 power availability is desired, size load and inverter backup so that it’s available until next charge cycle.

o Faulty electrical connections/ improper isolation: Improper isolation of inverter loads often leads to back feed of current from the mains/source impacting on inverter severally if not well protected. Engage professionals for proper isolation of load cables. Advised to provide protections both on the load side and input feed of the inverter using well sized sensitive protection scheme.

o Improper float voltage: Every battery manufacturer will specify the charging voltage ranges for their own cell design. If a battery is consistently charged outside of these parameters, it can cause significant damage.

o High ambient temperature: The rated capacity of every battery is based on an ambient temperature of 25°C. Variations, but particularly increased temperature, can affect performance and lifespan.

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